Music in the Schools
A major contribution of the Guild to our area is its Music in the Schools Program.
The Guild’s acclaimed program reaches many thousands of students and provides live classical performances to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students in all Asheville City and Buncombe County schools.
Members of brass, woodwind and string music quintets discuss and demonstrate their instruments and play musical selections for the students.
Each year, during a Symphony Concert, the Guild holds the “Pass the Hat” fundraiser, the proceeds of which help finance the Music in the Schools Program.

A new and unique Music in the Schools program will be presented online to all second, third, fourth, and fifth graders in all public, private, charter, and home school programs. Integrating music with folk tales from all over the world, the curriculum will meet North Carolina educational standards. Through study guides and lesson plans that accompany each song, kids will get to hear the musicians speak first hand about the cultures they grew up in, how those cultures are similar to and different from the United States and how those cultures inspired and often directly created many aspects of life in the United States. They will also learn what these brilliant musicians love about Bach, and what inspires them about symphonic music in general. A detailed 30 minute rhyme writing workshop is provided that will assist students in the writing of their own stories and songs.
Woven into the fabric of this project is a lesson about how to be a guest when interacting with other cultures. The respect for the stories, musical traditions, and people involved, while presenting them in a new way, will spark curiosity and creativity in the children that experience them.
Click the link below to listen to music associated with this program:
Music Ambassadors
The Music Ambassadors is a program of volunteer participation in the many Asheville Symphony and Guild musical and educational activities for young people and music lovers of all ages.
Have just a few hours to spend volunteering? Then becoming a Music Ambassador is for you! Volunteer at various events throughout the year such as Youth Orchestra Concerts and Amadeus Festival events, where you will meet new friends, Youth Orchestra musicians and other Guild members.
The Elephant Song at Avery’s Creek with bass player Matt Waid from Asheville Symphony with surprise guest!